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Sports Massage
Athletes are increasingly aware of the cumulative benefits of massage and its ability to enhance muscle relaxation, condition and recovery. In this practical course you will learn the latest massage techniques and soft tissue therapy for treatment of the whole body. Sessions will include techniques to treat athletes in an ideal clinical setting, as well as practical adaptations for use in gyms, sport fields and other environments.

Topics Include:
Full body Massage Techniques
Contraindications of massage
Basic postural analysis
Soft Tissue Therapy (STT)

Students will receive 11 REPS CEC Credits on completion of this course.

Before attending this course, students must have completed the AUT Fitness Foundations course or an acceptable equivalent qualification.

Online enrolment is not available for this course. Please download the Short Course Application Form using this link

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* Fees may be subject to change. Click on fee for further details.
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