Course Details
Inclusive Education
Course Code EDUC713
EFTS 0.1250
Points 15.00
Level 7
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A teacher exhibiting an ethic of care will have knowledge, understanding and skills to include all children and young people with a range of different abilities in learning environments in Aotearoa New Zealand and the wider society. This course focuses on children with diverse learning needs and abilities. Kaiako will examine and critique their own philosophy of inclusion and be equipped with the necessary pedagogical knowledge to identify, understand, and respond to the broad range of inclusive needs and abilities among children.
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The course is available as part of the following qualifications.
Expand to see requisite details. Points
  AK3594   Bachelor of Education (Specialty) Teaching   (BEd (Specialty) Tchg)
  INEXCH1   International Exchange (Inbound)   (INEXCH)
2025Semester 1 Standard
Class Stream Starting Ending Day Time Room
EDUC713/A101  04-Mar-2025  17-Jun-2025  TUE  1:00 PM - 3:00 PM  AF116 
    11-Apr-2025  11-Apr-2025  FRI  9:30 AM - 1:30 PM  online 
EDUC713/M101  05-Mar-2025  18-Jun-2025  WED  11:00 AM - 1:00 PM  MH104 
    11-Apr-2025  11-Apr-2025  FRI  9:30 AM - 1:30 PM  online 
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