Code |
Description |
Points |
LAWS710 |
Accident Compensation Law |
15.00 |
ACCT701 |
Advanced Accounting Information Systems |
15.00 |
CHEM702 |
Advanced Analytical Chemistry |
15.00 |
ADVT777 |
Advanced Art Direction and Copywriting |
15.00 |
ACCT702 |
Advanced Financial Accounting |
15.00 |
TRIN705 |
Advanced Health Interpreting |
15.00 |
TRIN706 |
Advanced Health Translation |
15.00 |
CHEM706 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
15.00 |
TRIN708 |
Advanced Legal Interpreting |
15.00 |
TRIN703 |
Advanced Legal Translation |
15.00 |
ACCT703 |
Advanced Management Accounting |
15.00 |
COMP714 |
Advanced Network Technologies |
15.00 |
LAWS703 |
Advanced Private Law |
15.00 |
PSYC783 |
Advanced Psychological Inquiry |
15.00 |
RADC703 |
Advanced Radio Practice |
15.00 |
HEAL709 |
Advanced Research Methods in Psychology |
15.00 |
TVSP704 |
Advanced Studio Production |
15.00 |
LAWG705 |
Adversarial Advocacy |
15.00 |
EDUC712 |
Alternatives in Education |
15.00 |
ARDN740 |
Animated Drawing Project |
15.00 |
DIGD711 |
Animation, Visual Effects and Game Design Practice IV |
30.00 |
CONS701 |
Applied Conservation |
15.00 |
ADVT780 |
Applied Creative Strategies |
15.00 |
ADVT778 |
Applied Creativity for Social Change |
15.00 |
SOSC788 |
Applied Data Project |
15.00 |
ECON722 |
Applied Econometrics: Causal Inference for Social Impact |
15.00 |
COMP719 |
Applied Human Computer Interaction |
15.00 |
PSYC781 |
Applied Issues in Cultural and Social Psychology |
15.00 |
PARA701 |
Applied Mental Health and Wellbeing |
15.00 |
ECON701 |
Applied Microeconomics |
15.00 |
MAOH702 |
Applied Primary Māori Mental Health |
15.00 |
SPSC702 |
Applied Sports Biomechanics II |
15.00 |
STAT700 |
Applied Stochastic Models |
15.00 |
ARDN704 |
Applied Sustainable Design Project |
15.00 |
PSYC707 |
Approaches to Psychological Intervention |
15.00 |
LAWS765 |
Arbitration |
15.00 |
ENBU700 |
Architectural Design and Sustainability |
15.00 |
ARCH703 |
Architectural Ecologies IV: Integrated Systems |
15.00 |
ARCH702 |
Architectural Intelligence III: Innovation in practice |
15.00 |
ENBU703 |
Architecture and Design Development I |
15.00 |
COMP717 |
Artificial Intelligence |
15.00 |
MENH705 |
Assessment and Intervention in Addiction Practice |
15.00 |
SPSC701 |
Athletic Conditioning |
15.00 |
ACCT704 |
Auditing |
15.00 |
ECON712 |
Behavioural Economics |
15.00 |
PSYC704 |
Biopsychology |
15.00 |
COMP726 |
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technology |
15.00 |
BUSS702 |
Capstone Project |
60.00 |
PSYC785 |
Capstone Psychology Research Project |
30.00 |
PARA706 |
Cardiology |
15.00 |
HEAL721 |
Case Management Practice |
15.00 |
PSYT709 |
Child and Adolescent Work Discussion Group |
15.00 |
EDUC717 |
Childhood and Youth Voice: Participation and Agency |
15.00 |
EDUC715 |
Children’s Ways of Thinking |
15.00 |
LAWS712 |
Climate Change Law |
15.00 |
MELS701 |
Clinical Chemistry II |
15.00 |
MELS702 |
Clinical Chemistry III |
15.00 |
SPSC703 |
Clinical Exercise Physiology |
15.00 |
LAWS776 |
Clinical Legal Education |
15.00 |
ENBU718 |
Commercial Management and Dispute Resolution |
15.00 |
LAWS746 |
Commercial Transactions |
15.00 |
GRAD711 |
Communication Design Practice IV |
30.00 |
ENEL700 |
Communication Engineering |
15.00 |
EDUC719 |
Community Leadership for Social Change |
15.00 |
LAWS797 |
Company Law |
15.00 |
NZSL703 |
Comparative Analysis of English and NZSL |
15.00 |
LAWS716 |
Competition Law |
15.00 |
GENE703 |
Computational Genetics |
15.00 |
ENBU705 |
Concrete Structures |
15.00 |
HEAL712 |
Conjoint Cooperative Education Project |
60.00 |
ENBU708 |
Construction Engineering Management II |
15.00 |
ENBU707 |
Construction Planning |
15.00 |
ENBU713 |
Construction Technology III |
15.00 |
MKTG716 |
Consumer Behaviour and Sports Branding |
15.00 |
LAWG703 |
Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice |
15.00 |
EVNT702 |
Contemporary Issues in Event Management |
15.00 |
ENSE701 |
Contemporary Issues in Software Engineering |
15.00 |
ARDN714 |
Contemporary Pacific Project |
15.00 |
ARDN717 |
Contextual Resolution |
15.00 |
ENME706 |
Control Engineering |
15.00 |
BUSS701 |
Co-operative Education - Capstone Experience |
60.00 |
COUN705 |
Counselling Knowledge and Skills III |
30.00 |
COUN704 |
Counselling Practicum II |
30.00 |
ARDN702 |
Creative Entrepreneurship Project |
15.00 |
JOUR718 |
Creative Non-Fiction Narratives |
30.00 |
TVSP710 |
Creative Screen Practice |
15.00 |
TVSP701 |
Creative Screen Project |
30.00 |
CTEC705 |
Creative Workflows |
15.00 |
CWRT700 |
Creative Writing Project |
30.00 |
CRIM784 |
Crime and Deviance |
15.00 |
CRIM785 |
Crime Narratives in the Media and Beyond |
15.00 |
LAWS798 |
Criminal Law |
30.00 |
NZSL702 |
Current Issues in the Deaf World |
15.00 |
BSYS702 |
Cyber-security and risk management |
15.00 |
COMP723 |
Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering |
15.00 |
BUSS719 |
Data Strategy |
15.00 |
POLS782 |
Democratic Participation and Social Action |
15.00 |
ENEL709 |
Design Project |
15.00 |
BSYS706 |
Designing Systems for Contemporary Enterprises |
15.00 |
PSYC784 |
Developmental Psychology |
15.00 |
DIGM706 |
Digital Audio |
15.00 |
DIGM711 |
Digital Communication Project |
15.00 |
PUBL701 |
Digital Public Relations |
15.00 |
BSYS705 |
Digital Transformation and Social Impact |
15.00 |
MKTG703 |
Digital, Social Media and Mobile Marketing |
15.00 |
COMM716 |
Directing Professional Performance |
15.00 |
COMP713 |
Distributed and Mobile Systems |
15.00 |
HRMG701 |
Diversity and Inclusion for Social Impact |
15.00 |
GEOL702 |
Earth Materials |
15.00 |
CLSY701 |
East Asian Values and Beliefs |
15.00 |
ECON711 |
Economic Policy Evaluation |
15.00 |
EDUC711 |
Education, Globalisation, and International Development |
15.00 |
ENEL712 |
Embedded Systems Design |
15.00 |
CTEC702 |
Emerging Practices |
15.00 |
PSYC780 |
Emotions and Human Nature |
15.00 |
LAWS721 |
Employment Law |
15.00 |
ENME700 |
Engineering Materials II |
15.00 |
ENGE702 |
Engineering Mathematics III |
15.00 |
LEXP700 |
Enhanced Lived Experience Practice |
15.00 |
BSYS701 |
Enterprise Information Systems |
15.00 |
COMP729 |
Enterprise Networks |
15.00 |
COMM711 |
Environmental Communication |
15.00 |
EVNT701 |
Event Production |
15.00 |
TVSP711 |
Evolving Modes of Screen Production |
15.00 |
PSYC701 |
Experimental and Applied Behaviour Analysis |
15.00 |
ARDN741 |
Extended Reality Project |
15.00 |
LAWS722 |
Family Law |
15.00 |
FASD711 |
Fashion Design Practice IV |
30.00 |
ARDN701 |
Film Production |
15.00 |
FINA706 |
Financial Institutions and Markets |
15.00 |
MATH700 |
Financial Modelling and Computation |
15.00 |
FINA704 |
Financial Modelling and Data Analysis |
15.00 |
FINA702 |
Financial Risk Management |
15.00 |
LNGT701 |
Focus on Language Teaching |
15.00 |
FOOD703 |
Food Industry Legislation |
15.00 |
FOOD741 |
Food Safety Systems |
15.00 |
FOOD704 |
Food Systems |
15.00 |
CLSY719 |
Foundations in Research |
30.00 |
ASTR702 |
Frontiers of Astronomy and Space Science |
15.00 |
EDUC710 |
Futures Thinking in Education |
15.00 |
HIST709 |
Gender and Culture |
15.00 |
LAWS791 |
Gender, Sexuality and Law |
15.00 |
GEOL704 |
Geohazards and Risk |
15.00 |
ENBU701 |
Geotechnical Engineering |
15.00 |
EDUC720 |
Global Citizenship Education |
15.00 |
ENGL700 |
Global Englishes |
15.00 |
HRMG703 |
Global Mobility |
15.00 |
INTB706 |
Global Social Impact |
15.00 |
TOUR713 |
Global Tourism Challenge |
15.00 |
SOSC782 |
Globalisation, Innovation and Change |
15.00 |
HIST706 |
Gods, Heroes and the Rest of Us in Theatre and Performance |
15.00 |
HOSP717 |
Guest Experience |
15.00 |
MELS703 |
Haematology II |
15.00 |
MELS704 |
Haematology III |
15.00 |
HIST707 |
He Wānanga mō te Reo Māori: History of the Māori Language |
15.00 |
SPOR706 |
Health and Physical Education Philosophy and Pedagogy |
15.00 |
HEAL723 |
Health Coaching |
15.00 |
HLAW701 |
Health Law and Policy |
15.00 |
HPRM706 |
Health Promotion of Communities |
15.00 |
HPRO700 |
Health Protection |
15.00 |
PSYC706 |
Health Psychology |
15.00 |
HEAL719 |
Health Research Literacy |
15.00 |
TRIN704 |
Health Studies for Interpreters |
15.00 |
ENBU704 |
Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Systems (HVAC) |
15.00 |
LAWS741 |
High Density Living and Co-Ownership |
15.00 |
COMP716 |
Highly Secure Systems |
15.00 |
MELS709 |
Histology II |
15.00 |
MELS721 |
Histology III |
15.00 |
HOSP715 |
Holistic People Management for Hospitality and Tourism |
15.00 |
FINA707 |
Hospitality and Tourism Financial Management |
15.00 |
HOSP708 |
Hospitality Entrepreneurship |
15.00 |
HOSP716 |
Hospitality Innovation Competition |
15.00 |
HOSP703 |
Hospitality Sales and Marketing |
15.00 |
HOSP702 |
Hotel Management Simulation |
15.00 |
LAWS759 |
Human Rights and Intellectual Property |
15.00 |
LAWS763 |
Ideas of Property |
15.00 |
LAWS748 |
Immigration and Refugee Law |
15.00 |
MELS705 |
Immunology II |
15.00 |
MELS706 |
Immunology III |
15.00 |
EDUC713 |
Inclusive Education |
15.00 |
PACS701 |
Indigenous Peoples and Popular Culture |
15.00 |
LAWS771 |
Indigenous Private Law |
15.00 |
STAT704 |
Industrial and Business Analytics |
15.00 |
PRDD711 |
Industrial Design Practice IV |
30.00 |
ADVT779 |
Industry Practice Studio |
15.00 |
COMP718 |
Information Security Management |
15.00 |
TOUR711 |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Tourism, Hospitality and Events |
15.00 |
INTB708 |
Innovation and Technology Strategy |
15.00 |
ENEL702 |
Instrumentation and Control Systems |
15.00 |
LAWS724 |
Insurance Law |
15.00 |
SPOR701 |
Integrated Coaching Practice |
15.00 |
DESN711 |
Integrated Design Practice |
60.00 |
MKTG702 |
Integrated Marketing Communications |
15.00 |
INRD711 |
Interaction Design Practice IV |
30.00 |
LAWS764 |
International Commercial Contracts |
15.00 |
FINA701 |
International Corporate Finance |
15.00 |
POLS781 |
International Relations |
15.00 |
MKTG717 |
International Sales Management |
15.00 |
CLSY706 |
International Studies in the 21st Century |
15.00 |
LAWG701 |
International Trade Law |
15.00 |
COMP728 |
Internet of Things and Applications |
15.00 |
PSYT705 |
Introduction to Applied Transactional Analysis |
15.00 |
COUN706 |
Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Approaches |
15.00 |
HEAL711 |
Introduction to Creative-Expressive Interventions in Healthcare |
15.00 |
PSYT713 |
Introduction to Narrative Therapy |
15.00 |
JAPA712 |
Japanese Oral Interaction |
15.00 |
JAPA711 |
Japanese Written Interaction |
15.00 |
TVSP791 |
Kaupapa Māori Film Project |
15.00 |
LAWG704 |
Law and Gendered Violence |
15.00 |
LAWS793 |
Law and Popular Culture |
15.00 |
LAWS714 |
Law of Evidence |
15.00 |
ENBU717 |
Leadership and People Management |
15.00 |
SPOR705 |
Leadership in Sport and Recreation |
15.00 |
MGMT721 |
Leadership Principles, Perspectives and Practice |
15.00 |
LAWS706 |
Legal Ethics |
15.00 |
LAWS728 |
Legal Philosophy |
15.00 |
TRIN702 |
Legal Studies for Interpreters |
15.00 |
NUTR701 |
Lifestyle Nutrition |
15.00 |
SPOR711 |
Lifestyle Nutrition |
15.00 |
LAWS769 |
Local Government Law |
15.00 |
BSYS704 |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management |
15.00 |
DIGM751 |
Making Digital Media III |
15.00 |
MGMT704 |
Management for Social Impact |
15.00 |
MAOH701 |
Māori Health Promotion |
15.00 |
TVSP790 |
Māori Media Production |
15.00 |
MKTG704 |
Marketing for Social Impact |
15.00 |
MATH707 |
Mathematical Computation |
15.00 |
MATH709 |
Mathematical Modelling in Health and Biology |
15.00 |
ENME702 |
Mechanical Design |
15.00 |
ENME703 |
Mechatronics and Control |
15.00 |
COMM714 |
Media Issues in Aotearoa |
15.00 |
MELS710 |
Medical Cytology |
15.00 |
MELS719 |
Medical Microbiology II |
15.00 |
MELS720 |
Medical Microbiology III |
15.00 |
ECON720 |
Microeconomics: Competition, Risk and Strategy |
15.00 |
MELS711 |
MLS Clinical Training Clinical Chemistry |
60.00 |
MELS714 |
MLS Clinical Training Haematology |
60.00 |
MELS715 |
MLS Clinical Training Histology |
60.00 |
MELS716 |
MLS Clinical Training Immunology |
60.00 |
MELS713 |
MLS Clinical Training Medical Cytology |
60.00 |
MELS717 |
MLS Clinical Training Medical Microbiology |
60.00 |
MELS712 |
MLS Clinical Training Molecular Diagnostics |
60.00 |
MELS718 |
MLS Clinical Training Transfusion Science |
60.00 |
MATH708 |
Modelling and Differential Equations II |
15.00 |
ENGL702 |
Modern Rhetoric |
15.00 |
GENE702 |
Molecular Diagnostics |
15.00 |
DIGD707 |
Motion Capture Project |
15.00 |
DIGM709 |
Motion Media |
15.00 |
STAT705 |
Multivariate Data Analysis |
15.00 |
CHEM701 |
Natural Products |
15.00 |
COMP701 |
Nature Inspired Computing |
15.00 |
COMP715 |
Network Security |
15.00 |
ENGL701 |
New Literatures |
15.00 |
NZSL710 |
New Zealand Sign Language V |
15.00 |
JOUR717 |
Newsdays |
30.00 |
LAWS755 |
Non-Adversarial Justice |
15.00 |
HIST701 |
Nostalgia and Utopianism in New Zealand History |
15.00 |
NZSL704 |
NZSL Interpreting I - Dialogic Interactions |
15.00 |
NZSL705 |
NZSL Interpreting II - Monologic Interactions |
15.00 |
NZSL706 |
NZSL Interpreting III - Advanced Interpreting Techniques |
15.00 |
NZSL707 |
NZSL Interpreting Practicum Experience I - Observations |
15.00 |
NZSL708 |
NZSL Interpreting Practicum Experience II - Professional Practice |
15.00 |
NZSL701 |
15.00 |
DIGM712 |
Online Strategies |
15.00 |
CHEM704 |
Organic Synthesis and Molecular Design |
15.00 |
MGMT708 |
Organising for the Future of Work |
15.00 |
SPOR708 |
Outdoor Education |
15.00 |
EDUC722 |
Pacific Talanoa: People, Places & Education |
15.00 |
PARA705 |
Paramedic Primary Health Care |
15.00 |
SPOR707 |
Pedagogy and Performance |
15.00 |
PACS700 |
Performing Pacific Media |
15.00 |
LEXP701 |
Perspectives On Hauora and Wellbeing |
15.00 |
PHMY701 |
Pharmacology for Professional Practice |
15.00 |
HIST770 |
Popular Monsters |
15.00 |
PSYC705 |
Positive Psychology |
15.00 |
ENEL701 |
Power Electronic Systems |
15.00 |
ENEL703 |
Power Systems Engineering |
15.00 |
COMM713 |
Power, Communication and Networks |
15.00 |
TRIN701 |
Principles and Practice of Translation and Interpreting |
15.00 |
LAWS777 |
Principles of Intellectual Property |
15.00 |
CRIM781 |
Prisons and Punishment |
15.00 |
LAWG702 |
Privacy Law |
15.00 |
LAWS731 |
Problems in Patent Law |
15.00 |
COMM717 |
Professional Performance for Camera |
15.00 |
HEAL708 |
Professional Practice and Ethics |
15.00 |
HOSP701 |
Professional Wine Studies |
15.00 |
COMP712 |
Programming Languages |
15.00 |
CHEM707 |
Protein and Metabolic Chemistry |
15.00 |
PSYT710 |
Psychoanalytic Concepts |
15.00 |
PSYC715 |
Psychological Challenges in Childhood and Adolescence |
15.00 |
PSYT701 |
Psychosocial Life Review |
15.00 |
PSYT706 |
Psychotherapy Practice Skills |
30.00 |
HPRM701 |
Public and Environmental Health Evaluation |
15.00 |
PUBL709 |
Public Image and Campaigns |
15.00 |
LAWS704 |
Public International Law |
15.00 |
PUBL710 |
Public Relations Industry Project |
15.00 |
PUBL707 |
Public Relations Theory and Practice |
15.00 |
HEAL704 |
Quality in the Health Sector |
15.00 |
ENBU719 |
Quantity Surveying Practice and Advanced Measurement |
15.00 |
CHEM705 |
Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy |
15.00 |
RADC701 |
Radio Project |
15.00 |
RADC706 |
Radio Studio |
15.00 |
MENH706 |
Recovery and Wellbeing in Addiction Practice |
15.00 |
PSYT712 |
Reflexivity And Relational Skills |
15.00 |
DESN713 |
Reimagining the Future of Health Together |
15.00 |
PSYT707 |
Relational Psychotherapy: Theories and Modalities |
30.00 |
LAWS732 |
Remedies in Private Law |
15.00 |
HEAL716 |
Renal Health, Culture and Context |
15.00 |
HEAL717 |
Renal Pathology and Treatment |
15.00 |
HEAL718 |
Renal Physiology Clinical Practice |
45.00 |
HEAL715 |
Renal Science |
15.00 |
MENH701 |
Research in Mental Health |
15.00 |
FINA708 |
Revenue Management for the Hospitality, Tourism and Events Industries |
15.00 |
MGMT707 |
Risk Management |
15.00 |
LAWS743 |
Sale Of Land |
15.00 |
FOOD705 |
Sensory Evaluation |
15.00 |
INFS704 |
Service Innovation and Design |
15.00 |
PSYT702 |
Social and Cultural Analysis |
15.00 |
ENTR701 |
Social Entrepreneurship: Inspiring Innovation and Impact |
15.00 |
LAWS768 |
Social Justice, Law and Society |
15.00 |
SOSC701 |
Sociology of Food |
15.00 |
ENSE704 |
Software Engineering Maths |
15.00 |
ENME704 |
Solid Mechanics II |
15.00 |
CTEC700 |
Space, Image and Sound |
15.00 |
SPAN700 |
Spanish Overseas Experience |
30.00 |
SPAD711 |
Spatial and Interior Design Practice IV |
30.00 |
LAWS739 |
Special Topic II |
15.00 |
HIST710 |
Special Topic in History |
15.00 |
SPOR702 |
Sport Events and Entrepreneurship |
15.00 |
ENBU706 |
Steel Structures |
15.00 |
STAT706 |
Stochastic Modelling |
15.00 |
TVSP709 |
Story Lab |
15.00 |
INTB709 |
Strategic Design |
15.00 |
MKTG701 |
Strategic Marketing |
15.00 |
HOSP704 |
Strategic Perspectives for Hospitality and Tourism Organisations |
15.00 |
INTB707 |
Strategy in Uncertain Times |
15.00 |
MGMT705 |
Stress and Resilience at Work |
15.00 |
ENBU702 |
Structural Analysis |
15.00 |
GEOL701 |
Structural Geology and Tectonics |
15.00 |
LAWS736 |
Supervised Legal Research |
15.00 |
LAWS737 |
Supervised Legal Research |
30.00 |
TOUR704 |
Sustainable Destinations |
15.00 |
COMM715 |
Sustainable Development Communication |
15.00 |
ENEL710 |
Sustainable Energy for Renewable Power |
15.00 |
FOOD702 |
Sustainable Food Design and Packaging |
15.00 |
ENME701 |
System Dynamics and Vibrations |
15.00 |
MAOR708 |
Te Ao Hurihuri: Contemporary Māori Issues |
15.00 |
EDUC751 |
Teaching Children from Diverse Ethnicities |
15.00 |
TRIN707 |
Telephone Interpreting and Video Conferencing |
15.00 |
MAOR701 |
Tere ki Tai Advanced Māori Language 1 |
15.00 |
MAOR702 |
Tere ki Uta Advanced Māori Language 2 |
15.00 |
COMP700 |
Text and Vision Intelligence |
15.00 |
CLSY705 |
The Body in Popular Culture and Performance |
15.00 |
ARDN716 |
The Directed Image |
15.00 |
EMPL704 |
The Dynamics of Employment Regulations |
15.00 |
COMM705 |
The Music Industries |
15.00 |
ARDN711 |
The Organiser: Event-based Practices |
15.00 |
CRIM780 |
The Police and Crime Prevention |
15.00 |
ARDN742 |
The Self-Published Voice |
15.00 |
HIST771 |
The World of Luxury Goods, Popular Trends, and Social Identities |
15.00 |
MENH704 |
Theories and Principles for Addiction Practice |
15.00 |
COMP711 |
Theory of Computation |
15.00 |
LAWS794 |
Tort Law in Commercial Contexts |
15.00 |
TOUR707 |
Tourism Research |
15.00 |
TOUR710 |
Tourism, Hospitality and Events in the Digital Age |
15.00 |
TOUR706 |
Tourist Behaviour |
15.00 |
MELS707 |
Transfusion Science II |
15.00 |
MELS708 |
Transfusion Science III |
15.00 |
CTEC704 |
Transmedia Narratives |
15.00 |
CRIM782 |
Understanding Restorative Justice |
15.00 |
COMP770 |
Virtual and Immersive Environments |
15.00 |
DIGM701 |
Virtual Cinematics |
15.00 |
GEOL703 |
Volcanology |
15.00 |
ARCH700 |
Wānanga/Studio V: Innovation |
30.00 |
ARCH701 |
Wānanga/Studio VI: Building Complex |
30.00 |
COMP721 |
Web Development |
15.00 |
DIGM707 |
Web Media |
15.00 |
TOUR709 |
Wellbeing in Tourism Destinations |
15.00 |
CLSY703 |
Work Integrated Learning |
30.00 |
CLSY712 |
Work Integrated Learning Study Abroad |
30.00 |
EMPL702 |
Workplace Health and Safety |
15.00 |
LAWS742 |
Youth Justice |
15.00 |