Qualification Table of Courses
International Exchange (Inbound)
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Level 4
Code Description Points
BIOL401 Foundation Biology 15.00
CHEM401 Foundation Chemistry 15.00
ECOL401 Foundation Ecology 15.00
HUMB401 Foundation Human Anatomy and Physiology 15.00
HEAL401 Medical Terminology 15.00
Level 5
Code Description Points
ENME506 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics 15.00
ACCT502 Accounting Essentials 15.00
ACCT503 Accounting Systems and Analytics 15.00
MATH505 Algebra and Calculus I 15.00
MATH502 Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 15.00
ENEL500 Analogue Devices and Systems 15.00
DIGD511 Animation, Visual Effects and Game Design 30.00
STAT500 Applied Statistics 15.00
ARCH503 Architectural Communication 15.00
ARCH504 Architectural Ecologies I: Material Assemblies 15.00
ARCH502 Architectural Intelligence I: Anthropocene 15.00
CONS500 Biodiversity 15.00
CHEM502 Biological and Solution Chemistry 15.00
INTB501 Business and Strategy in a Changing World 15.00
ECON505 Business Economics and Data Analysis 15.00
BSYS501 Business Information Systems 15.00
CHEM500 Chemistry in Our World 15.00
GRAD511 Communication Design Practice I 30.00
COMM512 Communication Ethics 15.00
COMP501 Computing Technology in Society 15.00
ENBU501 Construction Design and Implementation 15.00
ENBU506 Construction Organisation and Practice 15.00
ENBU502 Construction Technology I 15.00
BUSS505 Consumer and Organisational Behaviour 15.00
VSAR504 Core Studio 30.00
COMP517 Data Analysis 15.00
COMP508 Database System Design 15.00
ENEL503 Digital Devices and Systems 15.00
ARDN505 Digital Foundations 15.00
INFS502 Digital Services in Information Technology 15.00
BUSS508 Economics and International Business 15.00
ENGE504 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 15.00
ENME502 Engineering Materials I 15.00
ENGE501 Engineering Mathematics I 15.00
ENGE503 Engineering Mechanics 15.00
ENVS502 Environmental Science Skills 15.00
BUSS509 Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability 15.00
VSAR508 Experimental Drawing: Scale and Process 15.00
VSAR509 Experimental Moving-Image: Scale and Time 15.00
FASD511 Fashion Design Practice I 30.00
FINA502 Finance for Hospitality, Tourism and Events – A Practical Approach 15.00
FINA503 Financial Analysis 15.00
BUSS507 Financial Decision Making and Information Systems 15.00
ARDN542 Finding Your Voice: Establishing publication practices 15.00
FOOD502 Food Science 15.00
FOOD503 Food Technology 15.00
BIOL500 Foundations of Life 15.00
HEAL507 Health and Environment 15.00
HEAL503 Health Records Management 15.00
DESN513 Healthy Futures - Good Health Design 15.00
PRDD511 Industrial Design Practice I 30.00
ENEL510 Industrial Measurement and Control 15.00
INRD511 Interaction Design Practice I 30.00
COMM514 Intercultural Communication 15.00
BMED500 Introduction to Biomedical Science 15.00
ENBU503 Introduction to Construction Materials 15.00
ARDN502 Introduction to Creative Business 15.00
DESN511 Introduction to Design Practice 30.00
ARDN540 Introduction to Drawing, Motion and Animation 15.00
ENTR501 Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation 15.00
ARDN541 Introduction to Extended Reality 15.00
FINA501 Introduction to Finance 15.00
MASC500 Introduction to Marine Science 15.00
DIGD506 Introduction to Motion Capture 15.00
BUSS511 Introduction to Programming for Business Analytics 15.00
ARDN504 Introduction to Social and Environmental Justice 15.00
ENGE500 Introduction to Sustainable Engineering Design 15.00
ENME500 Introduction to Thermofluids and Energy 15.00
ASTR500 Introductory Astronomy 15.00
MELS502 Introductory Immunology 15.00
MELS500 Introductory Laboratory and Histological Techniques 15.00
MATH504 Introductory Mathematics for Science 15.00
STAT502 Introductory Probability and Statistics 15.00
COMP507 IT Project Management 15.00
HEAL506 Knowledge, Enquiry and Communication 15.00
LAWS541 Law for New Zealand Business 15.00
HEAL504 Lifespan Development and Communication 15.00
DIGD507 Mahitahi | Collaborative Practices 15.00
DESN512 Making and Media 15.00
MGMT501 Managing and Organising 15.00
FINA504 Māori Indigenous Business and Finance 15.00
GESC500 Mapping Our Environment 15.00
MASC501 Marine Science Techniques 15.00
MKTG501 Marketing Insights 15.00
ARDN517 Material Processes 15.00
MATH503 Mathematics for Computing 15.00
ENBU505 Measurement and Estimation 15.00
COMM516 Media Production Foundations 15.00
COMM517 Media Production Studio 15.00
COMM515 Media, Politics and Citizenship 15.00
COMM513 Media, Technology and Society 15.00
HEAL502 Medical Terminology 15.00
MICR501 Microbial Life 15.00
COMP504 Networks and Internet 15.00
BUSS520 Numeracy for Business Studies 15.00
COMP503 Object Oriented Programming 15.00
EASC500 Our Dynamic Earth 15.00
ENVS503 Our Total Environment 15.00
ARDN514 Pattern Systems 15.00
PHYS501 Physics for Scientists and Engineers 15.00
CHEM501 Principles of Chemistry 15.00
ENBU504 Principles of Law for Construction 15.00
ECON521 Principles of Macroeconomics 15.00
ECON520 Principles of Microeconomics 15.00
COMP500 Programming Concepts and Techniques 15.00
SCIE504 Science and Society 15.00
COMM518 Selected Topic in Communication Studies 15.00
SPAD511 Spatial and Interior Design Practice I 30.00
ENME505 Statics and Equilibrium 15.00
VSAR506 Studio 1: Image and Mark Making 30.00
VSAR507 Studio 1: Image and Object Making 30.00
COMM505 Text, Image and Sound 15.00
ARDN516 The Photographic Image 15.00
ARDN501 The Poetics of Filmmaking 15.00
ARDN511 The Traveller: Site-Related Practices 15.00
LAWS510 Tikanga Māori and the Settler State Legal System of Aotearoa New Zealand 30.00
VSAR505 Visual Arts Contexts 15.00
ARCH500 Wānanga/Studio I: Relationships 30.00
ARCH501 Wānanga/Studio II: Materials and making 30.00
Level 6
Code Description Points
ACCT608 Accounting for Social Impact 15.00
ACCT605 Accounting Legal and Regulatory Framework 15.00
ADVT672 Advertising and Brand Creativity 15.00
HEAL605 Advocacy and Dispute Resolution in Health and Human Services 15.00
MATH605 Algebra and Calculus II 15.00
COMP611 Algorithm Design and Analysis 15.00
ENEL606 Analogue and Digital Systems 15.00
CHEM604 Analytical Chemistry 15.00
DIGD611 Animation, Visual Effects and Game Design Practice II 30.00
DIGD612 Animation, Visual Effects and Game Design Practice III 30.00
ENME604 Applied Fluid Mechanics 15.00
ARCH603 Architectural Ecologies II: Environmental Performance 15.00
ARCH604 Architectural Ecologies III: Medium-scale Construction 15.00
ARCH602 Architectural Intelligence II: The Pacific City 15.00
ASTR601 Astrophysics and Space Science 15.00
CHEM602 Biochemistry 15.00
MASC601 Biology of Marine Organisms 15.00
BSYS602 Business Data Management 15.00
BSYS601 Business Process Management 15.00
INTB605 Business Strategy 15.00
GENE603 Cells, Genes and Molecules 15.00
COMP613 Combinatorics and Graph Theory 15.00
GRAD611 Communication Design Practice II 30.00
GRAD612 Communication Design Practice III 30.00
COMM607 Communication for Social Change 15.00
COMP612 Computer Graphics Programming 15.00
ENEL611 Computer Network Applications 15.00
EASC600 Concepts in Earth System Science 15.00
ENBU604 Construction Engineering Management I 15.00
ENBU600 Construction Materials 15.00
ENBU618 Construction Process Integration 15.00
ENBU605 Construction Technology II 15.00
MKTG603 Consumer Behaviour 15.00
ADVT671 Copywriting 15.00
FINA601 Corporate Finance 15.00
CTEC605 Creative Audio 15.00
TVSP601 Creative Documentary Production 15.00
ARDN602 Creative Identity 15.00
ARDN662 Creative Management 15.00
ADVT673 Creative Principles and Strategy 15.00
FINA606 Data Analysis for Business 15.00
COMP610 Data Structures and Algorithms 15.00
ENSE603 Database System Design 15.00
ARDN608 Design and Ecology 15.00
ARDN607 Design and Society 15.00
DESN614 Design for Social and Emotional Wellbeing 15.00
DESN613 Designing with Care 15.00
CTEC603 Digital Fabrication 15.00
ARDN640 Drawing and Storytelling 15.00
ARDN641 Drawing for Motion 15.00
INTB603 Dynamic Environments 15.00
ARDN634 Dynamics of Scale 15.00
CONS600 Ecology and Evolution 15.00
ENEL604 Electrical Power Engineering 15.00
ENEL602 Electronics Project 15.00
ENEL621 Elements of Power Engineering 15.00
ENEL610 Embedded Digital Systems 15.00
ARDN643 Embodiment in Extended Reality 15.00
ARDN609 Emergent Origins 15.00
ENME602 Engineering Design Methodology 15.00
ENGE600 Engineering Management 15.00
ENGE601 Engineering Mathematics II 15.00
ENTR680 Entrepreneurship and Innovation 15.00
ENVS604 Environmental Assessment and Monitoring 15.00
ENVS605 Environmental Cycles and Flows 15.00
MICR601 Environmental Microbiology 15.00
ENVS606 Environmental Pressures, Threats and Risks 15.00
MASC600 Estuaries to Deep Sea 15.00
CTEC606 Experimental Imagery 15.00
VSAR613 Experimental Painting: Substrate and Medium 15.00
VSAR615 Experimental Photography: Light and Medium 15.00
VSAR612 Experimental Printmaking: Transfer and Trace 15.00
VSAR614 Experimental Sculpture: Object and Trace 15.00
FASD611 Fashion Design Practice II 30.00
FASD612 Fashion Design Practice III 30.00
ACCT602 Financial Accounting 15.00
FINA609 Financial Decision Making for the Hospitality, Tourism and Events Industries 15.00
ACCT606 Financial Management for Accountants 15.00
ENME603 Fluid Mechanics 15.00
FOOD601 Food Chemistry 15.00
FOOD602 Food Microbiology 15.00
FOOD604 Food Process Engineering 15.00
STAT603 Forecasting 15.00
COMP615 Foundations of Data Science 15.00
MELS603 General Pathology 15.00
GESC600 Geospatial Analysis 15.00
GESC601 Geospatial Field Skills 15.00
COMM608 Global Crises and Communication 15.00
COMM605 Global Media Giants 15.00
BSYS605 Goods and Services Procurement 15.00
HEAL609 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 15.00
ENBU607 Human Factors Engineering 15.00
HRMG601 Human Resource Management 15.00
ENMA600 Hydrostatics 15.00
PRDD611 Industrial Design Practice II 30.00
PRDD612 Industrial Design Practice III 30.00
COMP607 Information Security Technologies 15.00
ENBU615 Innovation, Advanced Construction Systems and Sustainability 15.00
CHEM601 Inorganic Chemistry 15.00
INRD611 Interaction Design Practice II 30.00
INRD612 Interaction Design Practice III 30.00
CTEC602 Interactive Technology and Systems 15.00
INTB604 International Business Management 15.00
ENBU603 Introduction to Building Construction 15.00
ECON622 Introduction to Econometrics 15.00
HEAL613 Introduction to Health Economics 15.00
ENMA601 Introduction to Maritime Engineering Design 15.00
ENMA603 Introduction to Maritime Science, Engineering and Technology 15.00
ENEL608 Introduction to Microcontrollers 15.00
ENBU601 Introduction to Structural Engineering 15.00
FINA602 Investment and Portfolio Analysis 15.00
ARDN642 Journeys in Extended Reality 15.00
CTEC600 Knowledge, Inquiry and Practice 15.00
MELS608 Laboratory Information Systems and Automation 15.00
ENBU617 Land Economy and Valuation 15.00
HEAL604 Late Adulthood 15.00
LAWS641 Law of Business Organisations 15.00
LAWS622 Law of Contract 30.00
LAWS623 Law of Torts 30.00
MGMT603 Leadership for Change 15.00
HRMG602 Learning and Development 15.00
HEAL606 Long -Term Conditions 15.00
ECON621 Macroeconomics: Models, Data and Policy 15.00
ARDN644 Making Voice Visible 15.00
ACCT603 Management Accounting 15.00
BUSS613 Managing Business Data for Analytics 15.00
ENME607 Manufacturing Technology 15.00
ENTR601 Māori Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation 15.00
MGMT604 Māori Indigenous Management and Marketing 15.00
MASC602 Marine Science Methods 15.00
MKTG602 Marketing Relationships 15.00
MKTG601 Marketing Research 15.00
ENME608 Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machinery 15.00
COMM606 Media Impacts and Effects 15.00
MELS607 Medical Microbiology 15.00
HEAL610 Methods of Research and Enquiry 15.00
ECON620 Microeconomics: Choice and Welfare 15.00
INFS605 Microservices 15.00
MATH606 Modelling and Differential Equations I 15.00
BMED600 Molecular Biomedicine 15.00
DIGM601 Moving Image Communication 15.00
BMED601 Natural Biomedical Products 15.00
INFS603 Needs Analysis, Acquisition and Training 15.00
COMP609 Network and System Administration 15.00
JOUR602 News Production 15.00
JOUR604 Newslab Live 30.00
ENSE602 Object Oriented Programming for Engineers 15.00
DIGM602 Online and Interactive Communication 15.00
COMP604 Operating Systems 15.00
BSYS604 Operations Management 15.00
CHEM603 Organic Chemistry 15.00
MGMT601 Organisational Behaviour 15.00
MELS604 Pathology II 15.00
DIGD606 Performance Capture 15.00
COMM609 Performance for Professional Communication 15.00
FINA605 Personal Finance 15.00
CONS601 Plant and Animal Taxonomy 15.00
ENEL620 PLC Applications 15.00
PUBL603 Power and Persuasion 15.00
HEAL611 Principles Of Wellness 15.00
COMP603 Program Design and Construction 15.00
BSYS603 Project Management 15.00
LAWS621 Public Law 30.00
PUBL602 Public Relations Practice and Specialisms 15.00
MATH607 Quantitative Decision Analysis 15.00
ENBU602 Quantity Surveying 15.00
RADC601 Radio Production: Context and Creativity 15.00
RADC602 Radio Production: Programming and Performance 15.00
LAWS604 Real Property 15.00
ENBU614 Reflective Work Practice 15.00
ARDN610 Remediating Emergence 15.00
ENGE603 Renewable Energy Generation, Storage and Utilisation 15.00
PUBL605 Reputation Management 15.00
ENBU616 Safety Engineering and Site Operations 15.00
SCIE600 Scientific Inquiry 15.00
TVSP605 Screen Production Management 15.00
TVSP603 Screen Theory in Action 15.00
INFS604 Service modelling 15.00
TVSP604 Short Film Production 15.00
ENEL619 Signals, Circuits and Systems 15.00
FINA608 Social Impact for Finance 15.00
ENSE600 Software Construction 15.00
COMP602 Software Development Practice 15.00
ENSE601 Software Team Project 15.00
ENME609 Solid Mechanics I 15.00
RADC604 Sound Production: Podcasting 15.00
ASTR600 Space, Time and Gravity 15.00
SPAD611 Spatial and Interior Design Practice II 30.00
SPAD612 Spatial and Interior Design Practice III 30.00
HEAL612 Spirituality, Health and Wellbeing 15.00
STAT605 Statistical Data Analytics 15.00
STAT604 Statistical Inference 15.00
COMP616 Statistics for Data Science 15.00
PUBL604 Strategic Messaging 15.00
ENME610 Strength of Materials I 15.00
VSAR608 Studio 2: Materials and Media 30.00
VSAR610 Studio 2: Materials and Processes 30.00
VSAR609 Studio 3: Painting, Printmaking and Drawing 30.00
VSAR611 Studio 3: Photography, Sculpture and Moving-image 30.00
TVSP602 Studio Production 15.00
CTEC601 Synthetic Realities 15.00
ACCT604 Taxation 15.00
HRMG650 Te Ara Pou Leadership 15.00
EASC601 Tectonic Processes and Climate Change 15.00
ARDN645 The Collective Voice 15.00
ARDN621 The Contributor: Collaborative Practices 15.00
ARDN631 The Interpreted Image 15.00
JOUR603 The Laws and Ethics of Newswork 15.00
ARDN632 The Manipulated Image 15.00
ARDN603 The Texture of Time 15.00
ARDN604 The Wandering Camera 15.00
ENME611 Theory of Machines 15.00
ENME601 Thermodynamics 15.00
CHEM605 Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics 15.00
ENME615 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 15.00
ARDN633 Towards Tactility 15.00
LAWS605 Trusts 15.00
SCIE606 Vision Mātauranga: Science Practice in Aotearoa 15.00
DIGM603 Visual Communication 15.00
DIGD605 Visualising Motion Capture 15.00
COMM611 Voice Production 15.00
ARCH600 Wānanga/Studio III: Mauri Ora I 30.00
ARCH601 Wānanga/Studio IV: Mauri Ora II 30.00
RADC603 Web Media for Radio 15.00
Level 7
Code Description Points
LAWS710 Accident Compensation Law 15.00
ACCT701 Advanced Accounting Information Systems 15.00
CHEM702 Advanced Analytical Chemistry 15.00
ADVT777 Advanced Art Direction and Copywriting 15.00
ACCT702 Advanced Financial Accounting 15.00
CHEM706 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 15.00
ACCT703 Advanced Management Accounting 15.00
COMP714 Advanced Network Technologies 15.00
LAWS703 Advanced Private Law 15.00
RADC703 Advanced Radio Practice 15.00
HEAL709 Advanced Research Methods in Psychology 15.00
TVSP704 Advanced Studio Production 15.00
LAWG705 Adversarial Advocacy 15.00
ARDN740 Animated Drawing Project 15.00
DIGD711 Animation, Visual Effects and Game Design Practice IV 30.00
CONS701 Applied Conservation 15.00
ADVT780 Applied Creative Strategies 15.00
ADVT778 Applied Creativity for Social Change 15.00
ECON722 Applied Econometrics: Causal Inference for Social Impact 15.00
COMP719 Applied Human Computer Interaction 15.00
ECON701 Applied Microeconomics 15.00
STAT700 Applied Stochastic Models 15.00
ARDN704 Applied Sustainable Design Project 15.00
LAWS765 Arbitration 15.00
ENBU700 Architectural Design and Sustainability 15.00
ARCH703 Architectural Ecologies IV: Integrated Systems 15.00
ARCH702 Architectural Intelligence III: Innovation in practice 15.00
ENBU703 Architecture and Design Development I 15.00
COMP717 Artificial Intelligence 15.00
ACCT704 Auditing 15.00
ECON712 Behavioural Economics 15.00
COMP726 Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technology 15.00
BUSS702 Capstone Project 60.00
HEAL721 Case Management Practice 15.00
LAWS712 Climate Change Law 15.00
MELS701 Clinical Chemistry II 15.00
MELS702 Clinical Chemistry III 15.00
LAWS776 Clinical Legal Education 15.00
ENBU718 Commercial Management and Dispute Resolution 15.00
LAWS746 Commercial Transactions 15.00
GRAD711 Communication Design Practice IV 30.00
ENEL700 Communication Engineering 15.00
LAWS797 Company Law 15.00
LAWS716 Competition Law 15.00
GENE703 Computational Genetics 15.00
ENBU705 Concrete Structures 15.00
HEAL712 Conjoint Cooperative Education Project 60.00
ENBU708 Construction Engineering Management II 15.00
ENBU707 Construction Planning 15.00
ENBU713 Construction Technology III 15.00
MKTG716 Consumer Behaviour and Sports Branding 15.00
LAWG703 Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice 15.00
ENSE701 Contemporary Issues in Software Engineering 15.00
ARDN714 Contemporary Pacific Project 15.00
ARDN717 Contextual Resolution 15.00
ENME706 Control Engineering 15.00
BUSS701 Co-operative Education - Capstone Experience 60.00
ARDN702 Creative Entrepreneurship Project 15.00
JOUR718 Creative Non-Fiction Narratives 30.00
TVSP710 Creative Screen Practice 15.00
TVSP701 Creative Screen Project 30.00
CTEC705 Creative Workflows 15.00
LAWS798 Criminal Law 30.00
BSYS702 Cyber-security and risk management 15.00
COMP723 Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering 15.00
BUSS719 Data Strategy 15.00
ENEL709 Design Project 15.00
BSYS706 Designing Systems for Contemporary Enterprises 15.00
DIGM706 Digital Audio 15.00
PUBL701 Digital Public Relations 15.00
BSYS705 Digital Transformation and Social Impact 15.00
MKTG703 Digital, Social Media and Mobile Marketing 15.00
COMM716 Directing Professional Performance 15.00
HRMG701 Diversity and Inclusion for Social Impact 15.00
GEOL702 Earth Materials 15.00
ECON711 Economic Policy Evaluation 15.00
ENEL712 Embedded Systems Design 15.00
CTEC702 Emerging Practices 15.00
LAWS721 Employment Law 15.00
ENME700 Engineering Materials II 15.00
ENGE702 Engineering Mathematics III 15.00
BSYS701 Enterprise Information Systems 15.00
COMP729 Enterprise Networks 15.00
COMM711 Environmental Communication 15.00
TVSP711 Evolving Modes of Screen Production 15.00
ARDN741 Extended Reality Project 15.00
LAWS722 Family Law 15.00
FASD711 Fashion Design Practice IV 30.00
ARDN701 Film Production 15.00
FINA706 Financial Institutions and Markets 15.00
MATH700 Financial Modelling and Computation 15.00
FINA704 Financial Modelling and Data Analysis 15.00
FINA702 Financial Risk Management 15.00
FOOD703 Food Industry Legislation 15.00
FOOD741 Food Safety Systems 15.00
FOOD704 Food Systems 15.00
ASTR702 Frontiers of Astronomy and Space Science 15.00
LAWS791 Gender, Sexuality and Law 15.00
GEOL704 Geohazards and Risk 15.00
ENBU701 Geotechnical Engineering 15.00
HRMG703 Global Mobility 15.00
INTB706 Global Social Impact 15.00
MELS703 Haematology II 15.00
MELS704 Haematology III 15.00
HEAL723 Health Coaching 15.00
HEAL719 Health Research Literacy 15.00
ENBU704 Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Systems (HVAC) 15.00
LAWS741 High Density Living and Co-Ownership 15.00
COMP716 Highly Secure Systems 15.00
MELS709 Histology II 15.00
MELS721 Histology III 15.00
FINA707 Hospitality and Tourism Financial Management 15.00
LAWS759 Human Rights and Intellectual Property 15.00
LAWS763 Ideas of Property 15.00
LAWS748 Immigration and Refugee Law 15.00
MELS705 Immunology II 15.00
MELS706 Immunology III 15.00
LAWS771 Indigenous Private Law 15.00
STAT704 Industrial and Business Analytics 15.00
PRDD711 Industrial Design Practice IV 30.00
ADVT779 Industry Practice Studio 15.00
COMP718 Information Security Management 15.00
INTB708 Innovation and Technology Strategy 15.00
ENEL702 Instrumentation and Control Systems 15.00
LAWS724 Insurance Law 15.00
DESN711 Integrated Design Practice 60.00
MKTG702 Integrated Marketing Communications 15.00
INRD711 Interaction Design Practice IV 30.00
LAWS764 International Commercial Contracts 15.00
FINA701 International Corporate Finance 15.00
MKTG717 International Sales Management 15.00
LAWG701 International Trade Law 15.00
COMP728 Internet of Things and Applications 15.00
HEAL711 Introduction to Creative-Expressive Interventions in Healthcare 15.00
LAWG704 Law and Gendered Violence 15.00
LAWS793 Law and Popular Culture 15.00
LAWS714 Law of Evidence 15.00
ENBU717 Leadership and People Management 15.00
MGMT721 Leadership Principles, Perspectives and Practice 15.00
LAWS706 Legal Ethics 15.00
LAWS728 Legal Philosophy 15.00
LAWS769 Local Government Law 15.00
BSYS704 Logistics and Supply Chain Management 15.00
MGMT704 Management for Social Impact 15.00
MKTG704 Marketing for Social Impact 15.00
MATH707 Mathematical Computation 15.00
MATH709 Mathematical Modelling in Health and Biology 15.00
ENME702 Mechanical Design 15.00
ENME703 Mechatronics and Control 15.00
COMM714 Media Issues in Aotearoa 15.00
MELS719 Medical Microbiology II 15.00
MELS720 Medical Microbiology III 15.00
ECON720 Microeconomics: Competition, Risk and Strategy 15.00
MATH708 Modelling and Differential Equations II 15.00
GENE702 Molecular Diagnostics 15.00
DIGD707 Motion Capture Project 15.00
DIGM709 Motion Media 15.00
STAT705 Multivariate Data Analysis 15.00
CHEM701 Natural Products 15.00
COMP701 Nature Inspired Computing 15.00
COMP715 Network Security 15.00
JOUR717 Newsdays 30.00
LAWS755 Non-Adversarial Justice 15.00
DIGM712 Online Strategies 15.00
CHEM704 Organic Synthesis and Molecular Design 15.00
MGMT708 Organising for the Future of Work 15.00
ENEL701 Power Electronic Systems 15.00
ENEL703 Power Systems Engineering 15.00
COMM713 Power, Communication and Networks 15.00
LAWS777 Principles of Intellectual Property 15.00
LAWG702 Privacy Law 15.00
LAWS731 Problems in Patent Law 15.00
COMM717 Professional Performance for Camera 15.00
HEAL708 Professional Practice and Ethics 15.00
COMP712 Programming Languages 15.00
CHEM707 Protein and Metabolic Chemistry 15.00
PUBL709 Public Image and Campaigns 15.00
LAWS704 Public International Law 15.00
PUBL710 Public Relations Industry Project 15.00
PUBL707 Public Relations Theory and Practice 15.00
HEAL704 Quality in the Health Sector 15.00
ENBU719 Quantity Surveying Practice and Advanced Measurement 15.00
CHEM705 Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy 15.00
RADC701 Radio Project 15.00
RADC706 Radio Studio 15.00
DESN713 Reimagining the Future of Health Together 15.00
LAWS732 Remedies in Private Law 15.00
HEAL716 Renal Health, Culture and Context 15.00
HEAL717 Renal Pathology and Treatment 15.00
HEAL718 Renal Physiology Clinical Practice 45.00
HEAL715 Renal Science 15.00
FINA708 Revenue Management for the Hospitality, Tourism and Events Industries 15.00
MGMT707 Risk Management 15.00
LAWS743 Sale Of Land 15.00
FOOD705 Sensory Evaluation 15.00
INFS704 Service Innovation and Design 15.00
ENTR701 Social Entrepreneurship: Inspiring Innovation and Impact 15.00
LAWS768 Social Justice, Law and Society 15.00
ENSE704 Software Engineering Maths 15.00
ENME704 Solid Mechanics II 15.00
CTEC700 Space, Image and Sound 15.00
SPAD711 Spatial and Interior Design Practice IV 30.00
LAWS739 Special Topic II 15.00
ENBU706 Steel Structures 15.00
STAT706 Stochastic Modelling 15.00
TVSP709 Story Lab 15.00
INTB709 Strategic Design 15.00
MKTG701 Strategic Marketing 15.00
INTB707 Strategy in Uncertain Times 15.00
MGMT705 Stress and Resilience at Work 15.00
ENBU702 Structural Analysis 15.00
GEOL701 Structural Geology and Tectonics 15.00
LAWS736 Supervised Legal Research 15.00
LAWS737 Supervised Legal Research 30.00
COMM715 Sustainable Development Communication 15.00
ENEL710 Sustainable Energy for Renewable Power 15.00
FOOD702 Sustainable Food Design and Packaging 15.00
ENME701 System Dynamics and Vibrations 15.00
COMP700 Text and Vision Intelligence 15.00
ARDN716 The Directed Image 15.00
COMM705 The Music Industries 15.00
ARDN711 The Organiser: Event-based Practices 15.00
ARDN742 The Self-Published Voice 15.00
COMP711 Theory of Computation 15.00
LAWS794 Tort Law in Commercial Contexts 15.00
MELS707 Transfusion Science II 15.00
MELS708 Transfusion Science III 15.00
CTEC704 Transmedia Narratives 15.00
COMP770 Virtual and Immersive Environments 15.00
DIGM701 Virtual Cinematics 15.00
GEOL703 Volcanology 15.00
ARCH700 Wānanga/Studio V: Innovation 30.00
ARCH701 Wānanga/Studio VI: Building Complex 30.00
COMP721 Web Development 15.00
DIGM707 Web Media 15.00
LAWS742 Youth Justice 15.00
Level 8
Code Description Points
JOUR813 Accidental and Alternative Journalisms 15.00
ENBU814 Advanced Built Environment 15.00
ENBU804 Advanced Civil Construction Engineering 15.00
COMP843 Advanced Cybersecurity & Digital Forensics 30.00
MATH802 Advanced Financial Modelling and Analytics 15.00
ENGE813 Advanced Integrated Project Management 15.00
COMP816 Advanced Internet of Things and Applications 15.00
ENGE808 Advanced Measuring Systems 15.00
ENME804 Advanced Mechanical Design 15.00
STAT802 Advanced Topics in Analytics 15.00
ARCH810 Advanced Topics in Architecture 15.00
ENSE880 Agile Information Technology Project Management 15.00
COMP842 Applied Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies 15.00
ARCH802 Architectural Practice I: Histories and Theories of Practice 15.00
ARCH806 Architectural Practice II: Research Methods 15.00
ARCH804 Architectural Practice III: Project Delivery 15.00
ARCH805 Architectural Practice IV: Business and Entrepreneurship 15.00
ENBU802 Architectural Systems 15.00
ENBU803 Architecture and Design Development II 15.00
COMP813 Artificial Intelligence 15.00
ENME806 Biomedical Thermofluids Modelling 15.00
MKTG867 Brand and Identity 15.00
ENBU811 Built Asset Management 15.00
COMM818 Change and Sustainability 15.00
INFS803 Cloud Computing 15.00
COMM819 Communicating Wicked Problems 15.00
STAT805 Computational Mathematics and Statistics 15.00
ENME802 Computer Aided Engineering and Analysis 15.00
ENBU818 Construction Economics 7.50
ENBU807 Construction Equipment and Utilisation 15.00
MKTG868 Creative Ideation and Innovation 15.00
COMP830 Cryptography and Cryptanalysis 15.00
COMP831 Cybercrime and Cybersecurity 15.00
COMP809 Data Mining and Machine Learning 15.00
COMP810 Data Warehousing and Big Data 15.00
COMP838 Deep Learning 15.00
COMM820 Digital Citizenship 15.00
ENEL809 Digital Control 15.00
COMP832 Digital Forensics Tools and Techniques 15.00
ENSE807 Digital Signal Processing 15.00
ENSE808 Digital Systems Design 15.00
ENSE881 Digital Transformation and Change Management 15.00
ENBU801 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 15.00
ENGE814 Economics and Finance for Engineers 15.00
ENEL803 Electrical Design and Protection 15.00
ENSE810 Embedded Software Engineering 15.00
ENGE815 Engineering Corporate Social Responsibility 15.00
ENGE800 Engineering Numerical Techniques and Statistical Analysis 15.00
ENBU812 Engineering Resource Efficiency 15.00
ENBU821 Engineering Supply Chain Management 15.00
JOUR814 Experimental Modes and Forms 15.00
ENSE803 Formal Specification and Design 15.00
ENBU805 Foundation Engineering 15.00
ENME803 Fracture Mechanics and Failure Analysis 15.00
COMP822 Human Computer Interaction 15.00
JOUR811 Indigenous Journalism 15.00
ENME800 Industrial Robotics: Mechanics and Planning 15.00
COMP821 Information Security 15.00
ENSE883 Information Technology Project Portfolios in Organisations 15.00
INFS813 Information Technology Strategy and Policy 15.00
ENGE803 Innovation Management 15.00
COMP818 Intelligent Surveillance 15.00
ENBU816 International Construction I 15.00
JOUR812 Journalism of Inclusion 15.00
ENBU820 Law for Construction Management 15.00
ENBU813 Management in the Construction Industry 7.50
DIGM811 Managing Innovation in the Digital Economy 15.00
MATH803 Mathematical Modelling and Simulation 15.00
DIGM812 Media Futures 15.00
DIGM809 Media Innovation Practice 15.00
MAOR810 Methodological Approaches for Māori/Indigenous Research 30.00
COMP826 Mobile Systems Development 15.00
COMP815 Nature Inspired Computing 15.00
COMP833 Network Security and Forensics 15.00
COMP800 Neuroinformatics 15.00
STAT803 Official Statistics 15.00
ENBU806 Off-Site Construction 15.00
STAT804 Optimisation and Operations Research 15.00
COMM821 Persuasion and Social Change 15.00
CTEC806 Post-Material Practices 15.00
ENEL813 Power Systems in Quality Management 15.00
DIGM810 Producing for Media Ecosystems 15.00
ENBU819 Project Management in Construction 15.00
COMP806 Software Architecture 15.00
COMP828 Statistical Programming for Data Science 15.00
ENGE817 STEM Research Methods 15.00
STAT800 Stochastic Modelling 15.00
MKTG869 Strategic Digital Marketing 15.00
ENEL804 Sustainable Energy Systems 15.00
CTEC801 Systems Thinking 15.00
ENSE882 Team Facilitation for Information Technology Projects 15.00
COMP814 Text Mining 15.00
CTEC810 Transdisciplinary Research Methods 15.00
COMP820 Video and Image Processing 15.00
VSAR801 Visual Arts Studio B 15.00
ARCH801 Wananga Studio II: Resolution 30.00
ARCH800 Wānanga/Studio I: Strategy 30.00
ENEL800 Wireless Systems 15.00
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