Qualification Details
Individual Course Enrolment
Programme Code ICE1
Method Part time only
Further Details
Table of Courses
Interested in an AUT course but don’t want to commit to an entire degree? Study a single course from an AUT programme, without enrolling in a full degree, by applying for an individual course enrolment. It’s a great way to try a subject you’re interested in, get a taste of AUT, and gain some new knowledge and skill. Once you successfully complete your chosen course, you’ll receive a Certificate of Proficiency and your results are recorded on your academic transcript. If you decide to continue your studies at AUT, you can credit the points you’ve achieved from your course to an AUT qualification.
The content is specific to the individual course.
No Resource is available.
Qualification Structure
Individual Course Enrolment   (ICE) 0.00 
Application Details
  • 3 March 2025 South Intake.
  • Applications close 3 March 2025. Apply Online
  • 3 March 2025 North Intake.
  • Applications close 3 March 2025. Apply Online
  • 3 March 2025 City Intake.
  • Applications close 3 March 2025. Apply Online
  • 13 January 2025 City Intake.
  • Applications close 13 January 2025. Application form
  • 21 October 2024 City Intake.
  • Applications close 13 January 2025. Application form
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