Qualification Table of Courses
Bachelor of Health Science in Counselling
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Level 5
Code Description Points
COUN503 Counselling Knowledge and Skills I 15.00
LEXP500 Foundations for Lived Experience Based Practice 15.00
COUN501 Group Theory and Practice I 15.00
MAOH501 Hauora Māori 15.00
HEAL507 Health and Environment 15.00
HEAL505 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 15.00
HEAL506 Knowledge, Enquiry and Communication 15.00
HEAL504 Lifespan Development and Communication 15.00
COUN502 Relational Counselling: History and Theories 15.00
Level 6
Code Description Points
COUN607 Counselling Knowledge, Skills and Issues 30.00
COUN603 Counselling Practicum I 30.00
COUN606 Group Theory and Practice II 15.00
MENH602 Mental Health and Psychopathology 15.00
HEAL610 Methods of Research and Enquiry 15.00
HEAL612 Spirituality, Health and Wellbeing 15.00
MAOH600 Te Korowai Oranga - Uplifting Māori Health 15.00
MAOH602 Te Pūtake o te Waiora 15.00
Level 7
Code Description Points
MAOH702 Applied Primary Māori Mental Health 15.00
PSYC711 Assessment and Intervention in Addiction 15.00
MENH705 Assessment and Intervention in Addiction Practice 15.00
MENH703 Counselling Children and Young People 15.00
COUN705 Counselling Knowledge and Skills III 30.00
COUN704 Counselling Practicum II 30.00
PSYC714 Drug and Alcohol Studies 15.00
LEXP700 Enhanced Lived Experience Practice 15.00
PSYC713 Gambling Studies 15.00
HLAW701 Health Law and Policy 15.00
PSYT705 Introduction to Applied Transactional Analysis 15.00
COUN706 Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Approaches 15.00
HEAL711 Introduction to Creative-Expressive Interventions in Healthcare 15.00
PSYT713 Introduction to Narrative Therapy 15.00
MAOH701 Māori Health Promotion 15.00
LEXP701 Perspectives On Hauora and Wellbeing 15.00
HEAL708 Professional Practice and Ethics 15.00
PSYC712 Professional Practice in Addictions 15.00
PSYT701 Psychosocial Life Review 15.00
PSYT706 Psychotherapy Practice Skills 30.00
MENH706 Recovery and Wellbeing in Addiction Practice 15.00
PSYT712 Reflexivity And Relational Skills 15.00
PSYT707 Relational Psychotherapy: Theories and Modalities 30.00
PSYT702 Social and Cultural Analysis 15.00
MENH704 Theories and Principles for Addiction Practice 15.00
HEAL710 Utilising Supervision in Practice 15.00
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