Qualification Table of Courses
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
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not valid
Code Description Points
ENGE888 Engineering Work Experience 0.00
Level 5
Code Description Points
ENGE504 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 15.00
ENME502 Engineering Materials I 15.00
ENGE501 Engineering Mathematics I 15.00
ENGE503 Engineering Mechanics 15.00
ENGE500 Introduction to Sustainable Engineering Design 15.00
DIGD507 Mahitahi | Collaborative Practices 15.00
COMP500 Programming Concepts and Techniques 15.00
Level 6
Code Description Points
ENEL606 Analogue and Digital Systems 15.00
ENBU604 Construction Engineering Management I 15.00
ENBU600 Construction Materials 15.00
COMP610 Data Structures and Algorithms 15.00
ENSE603 Database System Design 15.00
ENEL604 Electrical Power Engineering 15.00
ENEL600 Electronics 15.00
ENEL602 Electronics Project 15.00
ENME602 Engineering Design Methodology 15.00
ENGE600 Engineering Management 15.00
ENGE601 Engineering Mathematics II 15.00
ENME603 Fluid Mechanics 15.00
ENMA600 Hydrostatics 15.00
ENEL615 Illumination Engineering 15.00
ENBU615 Innovation, Advanced Construction Systems and Sustainability 15.00
ENBU603 Introduction to Building Construction 15.00
ENMA601 Introduction to Maritime Engineering Design 15.00
ENMA603 Introduction to Maritime Science, Engineering and Technology 15.00
ENEL608 Introduction to Microcontrollers 15.00
ENBU601 Introduction to Structural Engineering 15.00
ENME607 Manufacturing Technology 15.00
ENME608 Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machinery 15.00
ENSE602 Object Oriented Programming for Engineers 15.00
COMP604 Operating Systems 15.00
ENMA605 Production Processes for Maritime Infrastructure 15.00
ENBU602 Quantity Surveying 15.00
ENGE603 Renewable Energy Generation, Storage and Utilisation 15.00
ENEL619 Signals, Circuits and Systems 15.00
ENSE600 Software Construction 15.00
ENSE601 Software Team Project 15.00
ENME609 Solid Mechanics I 15.00
ENME601 Thermodynamics 15.00
Level 7
Code Description Points
COMP719 Applied Human Computer Interaction 15.00
ENBU700 Architectural Design and Sustainability 15.00
ENBU703 Architecture and Design Development I 15.00
ENEL704 Circuit Theory 15.00
ENEL700 Communication Engineering 15.00
ENBU705 Concrete Structures 15.00
ENBU708 Construction Engineering Management II 15.00
ENBU707 Construction Planning 15.00
ENSE701 Contemporary Issues in Software Engineering 15.00
ENEL709 Design Project 15.00
ENEL712 Embedded Systems Design 15.00
ENME700 Engineering Materials II 15.00
ENGE702 Engineering Mathematics III 15.00
ENEL705 Fields and Waves 15.00
ENME711 Fluids and Thermodynamics 15.00
ENBU701 Geotechnical Engineering 15.00
ENBU704 Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Systems (HVAC) 15.00
COMP716 Highly Secure Systems 15.00
ENEL702 Instrumentation and Control Systems 15.00
ENME702 Mechanical Design 15.00
ENME703 Mechatronics and Control 15.00
ENEL701 Power Electronic Systems 15.00
ENEL703 Power Systems Engineering 15.00
ENSE704 Software Engineering Maths 15.00
ENME704 Solid Mechanics II 15.00
ENGE704 Special Topic A 15.00
ENGE705 Special Topic B 15.00
ENBU706 Steel Structures 15.00
ENBU702 Structural Analysis 15.00
ENME701 System Dynamics and Vibrations 15.00
ENME713 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 15.00
Level 8
Code Description Points
ENBU804 Advanced Civil Construction Engineering 15.00
ENEL810 Advanced Control 15.00
ENGE808 Advanced Measuring Systems 15.00
ENME804 Advanced Mechanical Design 15.00
ENBU802 Architectural Systems 15.00
ENBU803 Architecture and Design Development II 15.00
ENME806 Biomedical Thermofluids Modelling 15.00
ENME802 Computer Aided Engineering and Analysis 15.00
ENBU807 Construction Equipment and Utilisation 15.00
ENEL809 Digital Control 15.00
ENSE807 Digital Signal Processing 15.00
ENSE808 Digital Systems Design 15.00
ENBU801 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 15.00
ENEL803 Electrical Design and Protection 15.00
ENEL812 Electrical Power Systems: Integrated Analysis 15.00
ENSE810 Embedded Software Engineering 15.00
ENGE800 Engineering Numerical Techniques and Statistical Analysis 15.00
ENSE803 Formal Specification and Design 15.00
ENBU805 Foundation Engineering 15.00
ENME803 Fracture Mechanics and Failure Analysis 15.00
COMP822 Human Computer Interaction 15.00
ENBU895 Industrial Project (Architectural) 30.00
ENME800 Industrial Robotics: Mechanics and Planning 15.00
ENGE803 Innovation Management 15.00
ENBU806 Off-Site Construction 15.00
ENEL813 Power Systems in Quality Management 15.00
COMP806 Software Architecture 15.00
ENBU800 Structural Engineering Design 15.00
ENEL804 Sustainable Energy Systems 15.00
ENEL800 Wireless Systems 15.00
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