Qualification Details
Postgraduate Diploma in Language and Culture
Programme Code AK1063
Method Both Full & Parttime
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Table of Courses
PgDipLC graduates will have advanced critical knowledge and understanding in their chosen areas of focus in Applied Linguistics, which may include the proficiency, linguistic and/or cultural knowledge of an Asia-Pacific language (or their own language/s), language analysis, language and literacy education, multilingualism and culture, and translation and interpreting. Graduates will also have advanced critical knowledge about the relationship between language and culture. They will be critical and reflective.
Areas of focus may include the proficiency, linguistic and/or cultural knowledge of an Asia-Pacific language, language analysis, language and literacy education, multilingualism and culture, and translation and interpreting. A focus throughout the programme will be on the relationship between language and culture and the mediating role of language/s and culture/s in communication and learning, within and across languages and cultures.
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Qualification Structure
Postgraduate Diploma in Language and Culture   (PgDipLC) 120.00 
Application Details
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