Course Details
The Arts in an Innovative Learning Environment
Course Code EDCR502
EFTS 0.1250
Points 15.00
Level 5
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Learners demonstrate sound knowledge as well as an understanding of the principles, structure and content of the arts in The New Zealand Curriculum. They articulate these understandings, evaluate issues, and apply them to planning for teaching, learning and assessment of the arts taught within innovative learning environments. Through an appreciation of arts as inquiry, learners will develop creative teaching methods and artistic skills across the four disciplines of the arts (music, drama, dance, visual art).
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The course is available as part of the following qualifications.
Expand to see requisite details. Points
  AK3594   Bachelor of Education (Specialty) Teaching   (BEd (Specialty) Tchg)
No requisite courses specified.
2025Semester 2 Standard
Class Stream Starting Ending Day Time Room
EDCR502/A201  24-Jul-2025  13-Nov-2025  THU  10:00 AM - 12:00 PM  AJ106 
    07-Aug-2025  21-Aug-2025  THU  10:00 AM - 12:00 PM  AJ100 
EDCR502/A202  25-Jul-2025  14-Nov-2025  FRI  10:00 AM - 12:00 PM  AJ100 
    09-Oct-2025  09-Oct-2025  THU  10:00 AM - 12:00 PM  AJ105 
EDCR502/M201  21-Jul-2025  10-Nov-2025  MON  2:00 PM - 4:00 PM  MH106 
EDCR502/M202  21-Jul-2025  10-Nov-2025  MON  12:00 PM - 2:00 PM  MH207 
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